Wednesday, August 14, 2013


(A poem dedicated to Debra Inyang on her birthday, the 15th of August, 2013. As you mark this special day of your life, we pray that the Almighty God continue to shower His blessings on you. From all of us in the youth fellowship, we are saying have a cheery and happy birthday! God bless you, sister!)
Like a galaxy of stars in the milky way
Like unending gathering of stars pointing
To the corridors of a Super Intelligence,
I sing peals of adjectives this day,
Qualifying this distinct moment of your life.

Blessed, lifted and coral-adorned are your days,
Your prayers borne on wings of angels heavenward;
From the horizon of your dreams
Shall a spectrum of lights rise
Ascending into the limelight.

The rain shall water the seeds you sow
The sun shall make them spring forth and grow,
Peace, joy and gladness of heart to attend you always.
Have an upbeat birthday celebration!

[Written 14th of August, 2013 by ONIS SAMPSON]

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